"properly practiced, knitting soothes
troubled spirit... and it doesn't
hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~elizabeth zimmerman
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
You Know How People Always Complain About Stockinette?
Well, they obviously haven't tried it using Rowan's All Season's Cotton. Yowza! This stuff is a *treat* to work with. It comes out so soft and perfect. And I can watch TV at the same time--without looking at my hands--because it's an easy stitch. :)
The pattern in the Stitch 'n Bitch book (Official Kittyville Hat) called for 3 skeins of Mission Falls Wool. When I transitioned to the cotton, I also bought 3 skeins of the Rowan.
I can't for the life of me see how I will need 3 full skeins. I'd honestly be surprised to use more than 2. I'm working the decrease rows now, and I'm down to a couple of yards of the first skein. So I'll switch to skein #2 to finish the decreases and add the kitty parts, but I think I'm going to have a significant amount left over. YAY! A beanie for me out of the goshdarndest softest cotton I've ever run across. Love it!
Have you tried the Stich and Bitch knit group in Costa Mesa? They meet twice a month. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/StitchNBitch-OrangeCounty/ also there is a small group of us that meet in Aliso Viejo every Tuesday evening http://www.knittersreview.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=20818𮀍. You could also post on www.knittersreview.com/forum for any knitters in the area. There is also La Petite Knittery in Mission Viejo that is very friendly.
Let me know what you find!
AngiPants, at 4:10 PM
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