"properly practiced, knitting soothes
troubled spirit... and it doesn't
hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~elizabeth zimmerman
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
In An Effort To Preserve My Sanity
I will have to give up the attempts to be crowned superwoman. Between the current demands of my job and all the knitting I was trying to get done, I was making myself crazy. With my own natural inclination toward anxiety--and recent attempts by my doctor to get it under control--I've decided to consciously separate myself from those things that will likely make me nutso. Like trying to finish all my Christmas knitting by Christmas.
I only made it through half of the Irish Knitting Scarf. When (step)Dad opens it, he will see how lovely and soft it is. He may admire it. And then he may return it to me so that I can finish it.
The other dad is getting 2 skeins of yarn (1 navy Plymouth Encore & 1 light blue Sirdar Denim chunky) and a pattern. He can admire these and imagine how they will look once knit up. Sometime in January, most likely.
The only things I'm really trying to finish are the ponchos for my little sisters. I think kids don't really get the idea of 'your gift will arrive sometime next month'. I think that if I can finish the two panels for the littlest girl's poncho by tomorrow night, I can seam the last two on Thursday and do fuzz around the edges for the biggest and littlest girls (to heck with fringe!).
The middle one will get fringe because hers will have leopard-print material knotted to make the fringe of her black poncho. She's absolutely crazy for 'animal print'--that is, leopard-print. Do you think I can do the fringe on Friday night after the girls are asleep? What if I don't sleep much between now and then? I can crash on Christmas after we do gifts...and nap all day Sunday if need be.
Yep, it's too late. I've already crossed the bridge into Crazy Town.
The end is in sight (I say as I cast on last night for yet one more gift scarf!) Take deep breaths...you'll make it. Have a happy and merry and all that.
Sharon (Knitknacks)
Anonymous, at 3:15 AM
They'll all understand. It isn't uncommon to give IOU's for stuff on Chirstmas. Think of those coupons they had us make in elementary school (everyone did that right?). They'd be like "1 load of dishes washed by _____". I'm not sure I've ever fulfilled one of those either lol. I always made them expire in like 2 days. What a brat I was :)
Vicki, at 9:28 AM
YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
Jenny, at 10:06 AM
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