Knit Picky: This Old Dog Learned a New Trick!

"properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit...
 and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either."
~elizabeth zimmerman

Thursday, August 17, 2006

This Old Dog Learned a New Trick!

A few weeks back someone whose blog I read (I wish I could remember who!) was lauding the praises of another knitter (who I would love to give proper credit, if only I could remember who she was) for creating a video clip for knitting backward. It sounded weird but intriguing.

Holy cow! I couldn't wait to put it into practice, but I was finishing up some other stuff I was working on. Last night I picked back up my Clapotis. And I tried backward knitting. It was great! I am incredibly slow (even slower than purling), but there's definitely potential for picking up speed. It was just

So thank you to the referrer, and the video creator! I learn so much better visually, and the demo was perfect. I'm so excited to keep practicing now.

By the way, here's Clapotis currently.


Clapotis drops2

I'm in love with it and can't wait to get to wear it.

posted by Stephanie at 6:48 PM


  • Ohhh! If you can figure out where you found that video tutorial would you let me know? I've been wanting to learn it, especially for stuff like entrelac and narrow stuff! Thanks!

    By Blogger miss ewe, at 8:07 PM  

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