Knit Picky: Long Time No...Blog

"properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit...
 and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either."
~elizabeth zimmerman

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Long Time No...Blog

It's not that no knitting's been happening, but it's been exclusively on the project for my ISEIII partner. I decided to tackle lace, with a laceweight yarn. For the first time. With a deadline. Maybe not my finest moment. It's progressing, but slowly. This is my first exchange, and I want to do it right!

So I'm knitting even slower than usual. But it's going to be so beautiful! I just hope I finish it in time.

Other than that, Clapotis is on-hold. I also got the Magic Loop book, which I'm dying to try out for Socktoberfest, with my first toe-up socks. But since they are for me, they are on-hold while I work on the ISE scarf. The scarf that has twice gotten time out. A phenomenon that The Boy just can't seem to understand. He doesn't know why I would want to knit something that is so fiddly and I have zipped up in Ziploc, put on the endtable, and left to 'think about' what it's done. Men. No imagination! ;)

posted by Stephanie at 5:39 PM


  • Your ISE3 scarf turned out gorgeous! What lace pattern did you use?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:48 AM  

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