Knit Picky: You May Have Noticed My New Formatting

"properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit...
 and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either."
~elizabeth zimmerman

Friday, November 17, 2006

You May Have Noticed My New Formatting

This is not intentional. Any web gurus available to help??

People, I am a baby coder. I know enough to go into my blog's code and change colors and some formatting. I can modify html templates at work to make them do most of what I want.

What I can't do is figure out how to modify the weblogging women code (below right) so that it's not so wide. If I could make it more in line with the size of the other ring things on this page, I wouldn't have all this trouble!!


posted by Stephanie at 12:08 PM


  • I had a hard time even finding that ring code in your source. Finally found's java script and I think there's nothing you can change on your end. I'd probably try cutting the code from your rings list and paste it way at the end between < / table > and < / body > It wouldn't be where you want it but it'd still be there and not forking up your whole blog. Otherwise, contact the ring owner?

    By Blogger Spinsanity, at 7:17 PM  

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